Are you moving to another EU or EEA country or Switzerland for study, research or internship?
Before you travel …
- Contact your social security service and apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
- If you are an uninsured student of a Greek University, contact your university’s Students’ Affairs service, in order to be informed about issuing a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
- In case you are not entitled to an EHIC issued by a Greek social security institution, find out about your options of health insurance coverage in the country you will be studying.
- Find out about your rights to health cover for temporary stays in the EU/EEA and Switzerland.
- Find out about the existence of national contact points (NCP) for cross-border healthcare (link στο 7.2.1) in the EU/EEA member states. The NCPs provide important information on national health systems and health services in the member states and your related rights.
- Make sure you always have a translated medical history with you, in case you are taking specific medication or have a pre-existing serious health condition.
- If you have a chronic illness and need specific care (e.g. chemotherapy, oxygen therapy, hemodialysis, high cost medicines) during your temporary stay in an EU/EEA country or Switzerland, medical care should be the subject of prior agreement/consultation with the healthcare provider in the state of treatment to ensure that care is available during your stay in the member state using your EHIC. The national contact point (link στο 7.2.2) of the country you are visiting can help you.
While staying abroad …
- In the host country you may need to register with the local healthcare system in that country. The national contact point (link in 7.2.2) of the country you are visiting can help you.
- Make sure you always have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you and an identification document such as an identity card or passport.
- When in need for health services, make sure that the healthcare provider is public or contracted with the public health system of the country you are visiting and your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will be accepted. Otherwise, you may have to pay.
- Find out about the cost of care, which will be covered by presenting the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and any co-payment fee, which you will have to pay yourself.
- In case you pay for the care you received without using your EHIC, make sure you have a doctor’s referral/diagnosis and detailed payment receipts for the services provided.
- Keep track of all medical procedures, diagnostic tests and treatment results you receive from a healthcare professional abroad in order to update your medical file and be able to enjoy continuity of healthcare.
After your return home …
- Contact your statutory health insurance service and find out about possible reimbursement rights for the healthcare costs you have paid.
Useful links
- Your Europe-Health-Student, researcher or trainee abroad
- National contact points for cross-border healthcare in EU/EEA
Last Update: 2 June 2021